Why in the world are we still talking about feminism and racial equality and all this anyways? Aren't we all the equal after the 60's anyways? Don't we all bleed red?\n\nAfter all, isn't feminism expired? <html><a href="http://jezebel.com/5989012/feminism-may-be-nearing-her-expiration-date">Jezebel said so.</a></html> After all, as Tracy Moore puts it in the article, "[Women] are showing the world the precise aims of equality, anyway: To provide for themselves and their families, to show that we are hard-working and smart, that we are equals, CEOs, smarty pantses, and the sort of people who can cream the boys at virtually anything. Especially when they are visible symbols of success, I'm inclined to say that goes a long way toward earning your feminist merit badge.\n\nBecause in this sense, feminism has achieved many of its goals. Yes, there's always more work to be done. But it's the work that matters."\n\nIn other words, according to this, because there are some women in positions of power and have "made it," then feminism is winning and the political movement can begin being dismantled.\n\nOf course, what Moore misses here is how these exceptional women CEOs do not singlehandedly dismantle the patriarchal systems that keep women down. The article also, quite nicely, completely overlooks how modern social gains have created a huge backlash from [[certain groups of people|neodef]].
Neoreactionary discourses focus upon maintaining the status quo for those in positions of privilege. In other words, it is largely about defending the status of middle-class straight white men. Importantly, however, the number of people within this position are incredibly few\n\nAccording to the 2012 census, white individuals make up roughly 72% of America. Considering America is also roughly even in terms of gender, that means white men make up 36% of the population. Statistics for sexuality estimate between 10 - 20% of individuals identify somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum (<html><a href="http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/what-percent-of-the-population-is-gay-more-than-you-think-5012467/?no-ist">source</a></html>) bringing our privilege percentage down to 32-29%. Considering half of workers made less than $30000 in 2012 (<html><a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/04/wages_n_4214678.html">source</a></html>), that brings our total of people that reactionary discourses actually aid down to around 16%.\n\n16%\n\nThe neoreactionary arm of this privileged 16% engage in numerous attempts to maintain supremacy and, in the case of GamerGate and Ferguson, they do so mostly through terrible comments on the Internet.\n\nFor example, they'll make fake tweets about feminist gamers that make it look like they're racist and attempting to score points for feminism off the backs of anti-racist movements\n\n[img[faketweet.png]]\n\nOr they'll use the language of anti-racist politics to discuss the oppression of these poor white men by feminists...\n\n[img[whinywhitey.png]]\n\nAnd then turn around and be incredibly racist in light of the Ferguson grand jury ruling\n\n[img[racism.png]]\n\nTo put it simply, individuals who hold neoreactionary ideas think the progress made for those who are marginalized means that people like them who are privileged are now oppressed, which Marilyn Frye handily takes apart in her article on Oppression (14-16).\n\nThe fact that these individuals attack people of all marginalized groups means that those within the groups must stand in solidarity with each other, recognizing how their oppression differs and respecting where they are or are not privileged in relationship to each other, but still working together for a common goal of equality.\n\n<<set $fem_flag = $fem_flag + 1>>\n[[Return|SecondStart]]\n
Neoreactionaries are the sorts of people who, when hearing about people fighting social marginalization and oppression, react against that agitation for social change by pushing for maintaining the status quo.\n\nIn other words, these are the sorts of people who cry out "Not All Men" or believe that people of color can be "reverse racist." However, simply holding these beliefs does not make one a neoreactionary. Instead, it is is a specific group of political beliefs.\n\nThe RationalWiki [[summarizes their positions|NeoreactFullThemes]] well, but the important ones for us are their connections to libertarianism as well as how they follow ideas of "anarchocapitalism, "scientific racism... a belief in biological determinism," and "hostility to feminism, multiculturalism, and progressivism in all its forms, especially democracy and equality."\n\nIn other words, these are individuals with a specific form of social politics that exist in reaction to ideals of social progress. These are not simply the uneducated, but a group of people with strong political beliefs who act upon those beliefs. Often they engage in targeted harassment of activists and loudly shout down any discussions.\n\nSo, now that you know who these people are, you should probably [[head back|SecondStart]].\n<<set $fem_flag = $fem_flag + 1>>
You've decided. You can't take this anymore and you really just want this conversation to end.\n\nYou finally check back in to what he's saying "And, don't these people know what MLK said? We're all equal. They should really stop doing so much property damage just because someone died. I hope they all face charges for their vio-"\n\n<<cyclinglink "You pull out your +2 Sword of Slicing and intricately cut all his clothes off to embarrass him" "You sarcastically agree with him before eating the last produced batch of his favorite ice cream and laughing maniacally" "You morph into the Power Ranger of your preferred color and do some sort of cool pose to scare him off" "You attempt to engage him in critical discourse using everything you've learned in this class but then you realize he'll probably just stick his fingers in his ears and start yelling 'lalalalalalala' so that's likely a waste of breath" "You do a jump kick" "You break the disc of an incredibly rare and expensive copy of his most desired game">>\n\n...Nah, all of those aren't actually what you do. Instead [[you use your dark feminist magix to turn him into a sea lion|Finale]]\n\n\n\n
macros.cyclinglink={handler:function(a,b,c){var rl="cyclingLink";\nfunction toggleText(w){w.classList.remove("cyclingLinkInit");\nw.classList.toggle(rl+"Enabled");w.classList.toggle(rl+"Disabled");\nw.style.display=((w.style.display=="none")?"inline":"none")}switch(c[c.length-1]){case"end":var end=true;\nc.pop();break;case"out":var out=true;c.pop();break}var v="";if(c.length&&c[0][0]=="$"){v=c[0].slice(1);\nc.shift()}var h=state.history[0].variables;if(out&&h[v]===""){return\n}var l=Wikifier.createInternalLink(a,null);l.className="internalLink cyclingLink";\nl.setAttribute("data-cycle",0);for(var i=0;i<c.length;i++){var on=(i==Math.max(c.indexOf(h[v]),0));\nvar d=insertElement(null,"span",null,"cyclingLinkInit cyclingLink"+((on)?"En":"Dis")+"abled");\nif(on){h[v]=c[i];l.setAttribute("data-cycle",i)}else{d.style.display="none"\n}insertText(d,c[i]);if(on&&end&&i==c.length-1){l.parentNode.replaceChild(d,l)\n}else{l.appendChild(d)}}l.onclick=function(){var t=this.childNodes;\nvar u=this.getAttribute("data-cycle")-0;var m=t.length;toggleText(t[u]);\nu=(u+1);if(!(out&&u==m)){u%=m;if(v){h[v]=c[u]}}else{h[v]=""}if((end||out)&&u==m-(end?1:0)){if(end){var n=this.removeChild(t[u]);\nn.className=rl+"End";n.style.display="inline";this.parentNode.replaceChild(n,this)\n}else{this.parentNode.removeChild(this);return}return}toggleText(t[u]);\nthis.setAttribute("data-cycle",u)}}};
<<silently>>\n<<set $fem_flag = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\nYou are currently looking at the WGS W-100 project of the incredibly <<cyclinglink "beautiful" "insightful" "talented" "pretentious (but in a fun way!)" "brilliant">> and <<cyclinglink "friendly" "kind" "jovial" "annoying (but in an endearing way!)" "understanding">> Lexi Millard. You think they're <<cyclinglink "really great" "wonderful" "perfect" "incredible" "kinda egotistical (but you don't really think that!)" "amazing">>.\n\nIt turns out that this project is about how people react to current [[feminist|FeministDef]] advances, as well as other movements towards social progress. Specifically, it looks [[neoreactionary discourses|neodef]] surrounding recent events such as [[the GamerGate controversy|GGStart]] and [[the murder of Mike Brown in Ferguson|FergusonStart]].\n\n(If you're confused by what to do, click some of the blue links!)\n\n
[img[Fedora.jpg]]\n\nUGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH\n\n"You don't actually believe all this crap, do you?" He says, tipping his fedora violently. "After all, we're all already equal and misandry is totally real."\n\nYou stare at him blankly.\n\nHe continues.\n\n"I mean, reverse racism is totally a thing. Affirmative action totally stole my place in college. And women are mean to me on the Internet sometimes, so that's a thing."\n\n[[Uhhhhh...|NeoreactionContinues]]
You are currently looking at the WGS W-100 project of the incredibly <<cyclinglink "beautiful" "insightful" "talented" "pretentious (but in a fun way!)" "brilliant">> and <<cyclinglink "friendly" "kind" "jovial" "annoying (but in an endearing way!)" "understanding">> Lexi Millard. You think they're <<cyclinglink "really great" "wonderful" "perfect" "incredible" "kinda egotistical (but you don't really think that!)" "amazing">>.\n\nIt turns out that this project is about how people react to current [[feminist|FeministDef]] advances, as well as other movements towards social progress. Specifically, it looks at [[neoreactionary discourses|neodef]] surrounding recent events such as [[the GamerGate controversy|GGStart]] and [[the murder of Mike Brown in Ferguson|FergusonStart]].\n\n<<if $fem_flag eq 4>>HEY!\n\nHaving arbitrarily clicked through this game's sections about feminism, neoreactionary ideas, GamerGate, and Ferguson, you suddenly see this section of text! Wondering what could possibly behind this miraculous appearance, you click [[this link|NewChallenger]].\n<<else>>You've made your way through at least one segment of this game! Make sure you visit the definitions of feminism, neoreactionaries, and the news stories to get the full content!<<endif>>\n\n[[Or you can cheat and automatically unlock the final segment because I programmed this poorly|Cheater]]
[img[GamesArt.jpg]]\n\nApplication of feminist theories to literary and artistic pieces is one of the backbones of literary and artistic interpretation. Gamers have struggled for years to get games recognized as art, but immediately lashed back against it when people actually started doing so. GamerGate, at one point, attacked the Digital Games Research Association for being part of the evil feminist agenda (<html><a href="https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/11/11/gamergate-supporters-attack-digital-games-research-association">more details here</a></html>). At one point they literally claimed that feminists on the association's executive board were not academics and that it was "sloppy and unprofessional and absolutely overrun by people who have an ideological agenda that they simply cannot leave out of their research.”\n\nOne individual on the board then stated "what they’re trying to do is say if you’re a feminist, your work is automatically discredited. You are discredited. You are not an academic.”\n\nIn other words, GamerGate literally does not know how academic theory works.\n\nBut, in the end, this makes perfect sense in the light of neoreactionary thought. Male gamers maintain a position of entitlement, and feminist movements into those spaces (a phrase which is itself is problematic because feminists and women have always been in gaming space) appears to threaten their positions of power. Left with no other option but to assert their power, they take to the anonymity of the net to launch their assaults.\n\nIt's an absolute disgrace. They're bad, and they should feel bad.\n\n[[Return|SecondStart]]\n<<set $fem_flag = $fem_flag + 1>>
The <html><a href="http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Neoreactionary_movement">RationalWiki entry on the neoreactionary movement</a> provides the following wide discussion of the movement's beliefs\n\nPolitical authoritarianism\n Desire to return to monarchy or aristocracy\n Admiration of fascism \n\nEthnic nationalism\n Scientific racism ("racial realism" or "human biodiversity")\n A belief in biological determinism\n A belief that ethnic uniformity increases social capital \n\nHostility to feminism, multiculturalism, and progressivism in all its forms, especially democracy and equality; in their metaphor, the "Cathedral".\n Normative arguments based on evolutionary psychology\n Pick-up artist jargon\n Men's rights activism \n\nAustrian School of economics\n Anarcho-capitalism\n Old time social Darwinism \n\nTraditionalist Catholicism, frequently\n\nTranshumanism and other technological utopias (the odd idea out) \n\n[[Back|neodef]]
In her work, Deborah Tannen argues that "there is no unmarked woman," that it is impossible for a woman to exist "without inviting interpretations of her character" (503).\n\nMuch as there is no unmarked woman, there is no unmarked racialized person. Police officers murder black individuals because society marks them as risks, threats, and as less valuable. Black men in particular are coded as hypermasculine, hyperviolent, and superhuman. Patriarchal ideals of masculinity invert themselves within the black body, coding men who are not white as being the "wrong" type of masculine, and therefore worthy of their own unique subjugation.\n\n[img[BlackLivesMatter.jpg]]\n\nBecause feminism is about tearing down patriarchy, and patriarchy permeates the racial hierarchy, it's absolutely critical that feminists be aware and due their best to combat racism and dismantle white supremacy.\n\nBut how does Ferguson and the reactions to it [[relate specifically to GamerGate and neoreactionaries|FergusonConnection]]?
The computer before you begins to sizzle and spark, an eerie glow shining through the monitor. You take a step back. As you do, the light bursts forward and begins to coalesce in a vaguely humanoid shape.\n\nYou hear a loud claxon in the distance and, because I have decided you are also a video game nerd like me, you recognize it as a sound effect from Super Smash Brothers\n\n[img[NewChallenger.gif]]\n\nThe shining light finally begins to dim and before you stands...\n\n[[A NEOREACTIONARY|SoItBegins]]
Alright! That's excellent! I'm glad to hear you're for progress in our American dystopia!\n\n[[Now, let's get down to business...|SecondStart]]\n[img[huns.gif]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $fem_flag = $fem_flag + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
[img[sealion.jpg]]\n\nSuccess!\n\nYou give yourself a high five like a total dorky badass and turn around to walk away. That's when you hear it, coming from behind you...\n\n[img[neoreactionarydebate.png]]\n\nUggghhhh. A feminist's work is never done.\n\nCONGRATULATIONS. YOU WON THE GAME AND (HOPEFULLY) PASSED THE CLASS! GO YOU.\n\n[[HERE ARE MY ACADEMIC CITATIONS.|AcademicCitations]]
Gosh, you gave me a heart attack there. Don't do that! There are far too many people who honestly think feminism and social progress are bad. You know, [[neoreactionaries|neodef]]. \n\nBut, thankfully, you're just a jovial [[feminist|FemFlag]] and I appreciate that.
[img[REX.png]]\n\nHow, precisely, did a group of neoreactionary gamers spin their harassment of women into a supposed movement centered on "ethics in games journalism?" And why in the world would they do so? Simple. It's the perfect cover to gather attention for their "movement" while continuing to do damage to individuals who stand for social progress within the game industry.\n\n[img[Ethics.png]]\n[img[Spinning.png]]\n[img[MoreSpin.png]]\n\nYou can find out more about this root of neoreactionary misogyny in Gamergate on <html><a href="https://storify.com/EffNOVideoGames/stopgamergate-it-has-always-been-a-spin">Storyify thanks to the Twitter account EffNOVideoGames</a></html>\n\nThe question remains, however, as to why entitled male gamers engaged in such a strong backlash against both feminist critics of video games (like Anita Sarkeesian) and feminists IN video games (like Zoe Quinn). The answer is [[simple|GGFinale]].
You're joking, right?\n\nTell me you're joking. Just say it. [["I am joking."|Phew!]] Either that or maybe, instead, you have a legitimate criticism of feminism, like the way it focuses on white, middle-class, straight women more than anyone else. In which case, I highly appreciate your intersectional approach to being a [[feminist|FemFlag]].\n\n(Yes I'm railroading you into being a feminist. Go with it)
"No, but really, have you heard of the Cathedral? Feminist, anti-racism, and progressivism in general is practically a religion, you know. If you dare question it, someone might call you wrong and maybe a mean name if you defend your position. That's totally the same thing as a religious institution."\n\nYou try to stammer out how that doesn't make any sense, but he just keeps talking.\n\n[img[2ee.gif]]\n\n"It's entrenched in academia too. Did you know that humanities studies on video games take feminism seriously? That's not academic, that's misandrist bias. I have statistics that I can show you to prove it! Here, <html><a href="https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/11/11/gamergate-supporters-attack-digital-games-research-association">let me find the link</a></html>.\n\nOh thank god, he's distracted! It's time to figure out what you'll do next. [[You take a moment to think...|AlmostDone]]
<<set $fem_flag = 4>>\nYeeeeaaaaaaa, I don't blame you. I made some weird loops in there. \n\n[[Head on back|SecondStart]]
GamerGate started when Zoe Quinn, a female independent game developer, had an ex-boyfriend make claims online that she cheated on him with several other men, including a single game journalist. Various groups of anti-feminist gamers reacted, leaping into action by doxxing her (revealing her private information) and sending threats.\n\n[img[RuiningLives.png]]\n[img[Earlyclaim.png]]\n\nDespite claims to the contrary, GamerGate has been, from the beginning, about harassing women and ruining lives. In fact, this was simply the tipping point in which this harassment boiled over into mainstream awareness. Feminist critic Anita Sarkeesian and other women in gaming have been receiving death threats and doxx attacks for far longer. GamerGate simply turned those neoreactionary attacks into a visible movement.\n\nHowever, considering modern liberal sensibilities, simply attacking women without a cover lets the referee more easily call a foul due to our supposed modern enlightenment. And thus we have the cover that GamerGate is actually about [[ethics in games journalism|Ethics]]
It's hard to not know something about what happened in Ferguson. A police officer, Darren Wilson, shot an eighteen year old, unarmed black male, Mike Brown, sparking protests over the death. The St. Louis and Ferguson police departments proceeded to begin a smear campaign against Mike Brown, attempting to turn Darren Wilson into the "victim" of the encounter.\n\nMonths later, a grand jury decided not to indict Darren Wilson, allowing him to avoid even a mere trial for his actions. Many consider this grand jury trial a farce considering how rarely a non-indictment occurs and the ways the prosecutors presented evidence (<html><a href="http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2014/11/25/3596884/ferguson-legal-experts/">Source</a></html>). Since the shooting and continuing today, protests against police brutality against black individuals and the unpunished extrajudicial killing of unarmed black people have popped up worldwide.\n\n[img[Ferguson.png]]\n\nSo, what does this have to do with [[feminism|FergusonFeminism]]?
Frye, Marilyn. "Oppression." Gender Basics: Feminist Perspectives on Women and Men. Ed. Anne Minas. Wadsworth: Wadsworth Publishing, 2000. 10-16. Print. \n\nTannen, Deborah. "There Is No Unmarked Woman." ????. ????: ????, ????. 499-503. Print. \n\nWalker, Rebecca. "Becoming The Third Wave." Ms. Magazine Jan. 1992: 39-41. Print. \n\n[img[map.png]]\n
Feminism, as defined by the wonderful person writing this whole thing, is a social movement pushing towards equality for all people, specifically focusing upon gender-based oppression but also how that oppression intersects with other oppressions.\n\nPut more simply, feminism is about changing the way society works because, as it is, women, people of color, sexual and gender minorities, the poor, the disabled, and a whole host of others get the short end of the systematic stick.\n\nWhat's more, it's about action. As Rebecca Walker puts it in <html><a href="http://pols218.wikispaces.com/file/view/Walker+-+Becoming+the+Third+Wave.pdf">Becoming The Third Wave</a></html>, "My involvement must reach beyond my own voice in discussion, beyond voting, beyond reading feminist theory. My anger and awareness must translate into tangible action." Feminism isn't just about considering the systems of power; it's about making a difference.\n\nNow why in the world would anyone be against that? Is it because they think [[feminism is dead|femisdead]], that its already succeeded in its goals? Or do they just think people aren't oppressed anymore?\n\nYou're with me here, right? You're a feminist, [[yes|FemFlag]]? [[No|UtterShock]]? Oh god, please don't say no. Please, tell me you aren't a [[neoreactionary|neodef]]?\n\n